Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Clotted Curse Douglass
Clotted Curse Douglass Appears

Clotted Curse Douglass Appears

Clotted Curse Douglass is a hidden boss encountered randomly during questing in the The Lost Army raid event. Hidden bosses are only encountered after defeating the two end bosses. They are hit for double damage and the player has 2 hours to defeat them. This boss always begins with 10,000,000 hp.

The discoverer of a hidden boss is awarded 3 Carnelian Keys if the boss is defeated. Additionally, the discoverer and anybody else who participates in the battle and does at least 1,000,000 damage to the boss is rewarded with 2 Carnelian Keys.

Quotes: "Do I scare you? Then let me free you from that fear..."

"There is no escaping me; I can slip through any barrier."

"My body is untouchable. Surrender yourself and die in peace."
