Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Kindly) Elimval, Hero's Aid


"The Hero is both gentle and strong. I noticed that ever since meeting them in Elvarre. I understand it wasn't so long ago but it feels like ages... I keep this communication frame as a memento, even Neotellus lacks the technology to refine the spirica needed to use it. But when Lady Engset promised me she would activate hers from time to time, just in case, when she told me to accompany the Hero. ...Oh, please forgive the digression. In any matter, the Hero risks their life for their creed, and I want to relieve their troubles any way I can, selfish as that may be. I realize I could never truly replace Yvette, but I feel it's only right that such a high-minded soul always be in high spirits."


Name origin[]


Additional Info[]

Third stage of a 4-stage evolution.

See also[]

(Refreshing) Elimval, Hero's Aid (Normal Card Image)
