Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Lamenting) Shadow-Cursed Angustias


With innocent ruby pupils, Angustias tries to swallow the shrieks ready to escape her throat. Demons and disaster have followed in her footsteps from birth as the result of her cursed nature. Deprived of home and family, her daily life consists of naught by despair and destruction. "Why does it always have to be me?"


Added on April 14, 2017 to the Magnum Opus Card Pack.

Name origin[]

Angustias is a rare Spanish feminine name with the meaning "she who suffers from grief or sorrow", derived from the Spanish Blessed Virgin Mary's title Nuestra Señora de las Angustias "Our Lady of Sorrows" or "Our Lady of Anguish". Other forms include Angustia (Galician), Angústies (Catalan), Angústia (Portuguese), Astegabe (Basque).

Additional Info[]
