Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Thrusting) Deranged Devil Dwayne


Dwayne's aspirations were awash in the blood of countless humans and numerous deities. None could stop him in his pursuit of eternal warfare. At last, he opened the door leading to the Anti-realm, a world of infinite darkness where demons mingled freely with the void. Dwayne would have his desire of endless bloodshed fulfilled soon enough.


Added on April 20, 2017 to the Art of War Card Pack.

Name origin[]

Dwayne is a traditionally male name, but rarely used as female too (Duana, Duane), of Irish and Gaelic origin; the meaning is "swarthy, dark". In Gaelic dubh means "little dark one". Dubhain was a popular given name in 16th century southern Ireland. Anglicized form is Dwane or Duane. As a surname it is O'Dubhain, or Dubhan.

Additional Info[]

Can be fully customized into six possible variants with element and skill of user's choice with special elemental crests.
