Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Game logo

This page has been set up to act as a useful resource for parents regarding the popular iOS and Android TCG MMORPG game Legend of the Cryptids, with the aim of helping you make an informed decision about whether this game and its content is appropriate for your children. The game is centered around the collection and trading of digital cards, featuring various things ranging from mythical creatures and entities, to fantastical illustrations of people. Players may use cards to battle with other players, or to compete in various in-game special events.

General Information

Title: Legend of the Cryptids
Publisher: Applibot
Description: Legend of the Cryptids is a fantasy based TCG MMORPG set in the fictional world of Neotellus. Players collect the denizens of this fictional world in the form of tradable cards which can be used to battle with.
Similar Games:
Genre(s): TCG; MMORPG; Fantasy
Playthrough Length: Variable - Being an online game, it depends on individual interest as the game has no real end to it.
Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced - Difficulty level will depend on each player's interest and commitment, with a great amount of time needed to excel.
Security Concerns: Low - Though the game is heavily moderated to disallow personal information from being made public, such information may still be divulged through mobile message apps such as Kik.

Multiplayer Information

Online Multiplayer: Available
Local Multiplayer: None
Voice Chat: None
Connectivity Structure: Single server for each mobile platform.
Age of Community: 13+
Community Attitude: Competitive

Game Content Information

ESRB Rating: N/A
PEGI Rating: N/A
ACB Rating: N/A
Content Labels:

12+ (iOS)

  • Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content or Nudity.

Medium Maturity (Android)

  • No description given.

Cost Information

Subscription: No - The game may be downloaded for free, and a subscription is not required to play.
In-game Purchases: Yes - Many in-game card packs and items can only be purchased using real money.
Gambling Elements: None

General Information

Legend of the Cryptids Wiki is a community run encyclopedic database, built on the wiki format, and dedicated to documenting all information related to Legend of the Cryptids. All information is edited and maintained by community users, both registered and anonymous. Content is monitored by our team of administrators, who consist of proficient and trustworthy volunteer wiki editors. The site itself is hosted by Wikia, a wiki hosting company based in San Francisco.

Target Audience

Though the site can be accessed by people of all ages, under federal law only those aged 13 or older may legally use and access the information presented in this site. Additionally, parents should use caution as some images/content may include mild nudity and/or may be sexually suggestive in nature.

Furthermore, while user interactions in this site are generally regulated and monitored for appropriateness, not all dialogue exchanges are always under scrutiny, and therefore parental supervision is encouraged when appropriate.

Account Registration

The site can be freely browsed and edited without a wiki account. However, many features can only accessed through account registration, and some content on the site requires registration to be editable. Users who contribute anonymously will have their IP addresses displayed in the page's edit history.

Account creation requires users to be 13 years old or older, and an email address and the user's date of birth is required.

Non-official Status

Legend of the Cryptids Wiki is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Applibot, Inc., and therefore not officially sanctioned by the publisher or developers of Legend of the Cryptids. All content gathered on this site is done so under the fair use doctrine under US federal copyright laws.

Wiki Contact Information

Legend of the Cryptids Wiki:
Wikia: Wikia Staff - Contact page

Game Contact Information

Applibot: Contact page

Platform Contact Information

iOS: Contact page
Android: Contact page (Google account required)