Legend of the Cryptids Wiki



One of the world's most notorious demons - better known as Satan. Seated amongst the brimstone, it feeds on the anguish of the dead. The mere sight of him is enough for the living to abandon hope.

Name Origin[]

In Islam, the Devil is known as ʾIblīs (Arabic: إبليس‎, plural: ابالسة ʾAbālisa) or Shayṭān (Arabic: شيطان‎, plural: شياطين Shayāṭīn). According to the Quran, God created Iblis out of "smokeless fire or from the pure flame of fire" (along with all of the other jinn) and created man out of clay.


17-4, 18-3, 23-2, 23-3, 24-1, 24-3, 25-4, 26-2, 26-3, 26-5, 27-5, 28-4, 30-1, 33-3, 33-5, 34-4, 41-1, 45-1.
