Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Wolfe, Werewolf Packmaster


Even the savage beasts of the wild needed some degree of order to survive. The werewolf pack had but a single law: "All must swear allegiance to the packmaster." At their leader's command, the werewolves could be fierce guardians one moment and ruthless murderers the next. It was said that a silver wolf would be born to the pack once every few hundred years. Wolfe was one such rarity, and he rose to become packmaster at an uncommonly young age. Even more uncommon was his distaste for slaughtering humans.


  • Added on 30 November 2013 as part of Big Bad Card Pack.
  • Rereleased on August 6, 2014 in the Alchemy 4 Card Pack.
  • Rereleased on January 9, 2015 in the Grab Bag 11 Card Pack.
  • Added to the LCP.

Name Origin[]

Wolfe is a masculine name is of Old German origin; the meaning is "wolf". Wolves were an important part of medieval Germany imagination, known for their fierceness and tenacity.

A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope (from the Greek lykos "wolf", and anthrōpos, "man"), is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (e.g. via a bite or scratch from another werewolf).

Additional Info[]
